

Sunday 8 December 2013

Chapter 1 : Business Driven Technology Overview

Business Driven Technology Overview

1.1 Information Technology’s Role in Business

We can see that information technology( IT ) is used in many area of business operations
which means information technology is EVERYWHERE in business!!!

Each area of department has its own systems and will communicate on each other to give and received data and resource.

Using IT will make the business operations performs more effective and efficient.

1.2 Information Technology Basics

IT is a place where the use of technology in managing and processing information and it is a key to business success and innovation.

Management information system (MIS) is the general name for the business function and academic discipline covering the application of people, technologies, and procedures to solve business problems. it is also similar to Accounting, Finance, Operations, and Human Resources.

When beginning to learn about IT, it is important to understand about :-
  • Data, information, and business intelligence IT resources
  • IT cultures 


Data - raw facts that describe the characteristic of an event

Information - data converted into a meaningful and useful context

Business intelligence – applications and technologies that are used to support decision-making efforts


1.3 IT Resources.

  • People use

  • Information technology to work with

  • Information

1.4 IT Cultures

Organizational information cultures include:-

Functional Culture - Employees use information as a means of exercising influence or power over others. For example, a manager in sales refuses to share information with marketing. This causes marketing to need the sales manager’s input each time a new sales strategy is developed.

Sharing Culture  - Employees across departments trust each other to use information (especially about problems and failures) to improve performance.

Inquiring Culture - Employees across departments search for information to better understand the future and align themselves with current trends and new directions.

Discovery Culture - Employees across departments are open to new insights about crisis and radical changes and seek ways to create competitive advantages

Sharing Culture  - Employees across departments trust each other to use information (especially about problems and failures) to improve performance.

Inquiring Culture - Employees across departments search for information to better understand the future and align themselves with current trends and new directions.

Discovery Culture - Employees across departments are open to new insights about crisis and radical changes and seek ways to create competitive advantages.


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